Another Exciting Announcement: “Songs I Drew” at Joe’s Pub

A few months back, my friend (and amazing musician/composer) Lance Horne and I were throwing around the idea of doing a night of my songs, but with other singers performing the songs, before I head off to the Goodspeed for Cutman. I’ve never done anything like that when it wasn’t an actual theatrical performance, but he has helped me turn the idea into a reality. Under his music direction, we’re putting together a night of amazing performers at Joe’s Pub. In fact, I can hardly believe that all of these ridiculously talented performers will be part of this concert – I feel humbled and honored, but, more than anything, just plain old excited. Some of the performers are dear friends, while others are artists whom I have admired and am only just now getting to know:

Christian Campbell
Alan Cumming
Stephanie d’Abruzzo
Laura Dean
Alison Fraser
Amber Martin
Matt Morris
Ana Nogueira

Thursday, April 14th, at 9:30 PM. Go pick up your tickets now at the Joe’s Pub website.


  • February 21, 2011
  • [addtoany]